We’re able to offer a comprehensive range of services to support your fundraising data needs. If you can’t see what you need here, get in touch and we can develop a custom solution for you.

Fundraising Insights

Our detailed donor analytics product providing rich insight for strategic fundraisers. Find out more at Fundraising Insights

Health Checks

Get a comprehensive overview of your individual giving program to understand how you’re currently performing, and where you could focus on improving.

Warm Appeals

Improve your mail performance with focussed donor targeting and structured ask strategies. Conduct tests to refine your targeting beyond the basics of RFV.

Reactivation Modelling

Improve your mail performance with focussed donor targeting and structured ask strategies. Conduct tests to refine your targeting beyond the basics of RFV.

Survey Analysis

Go beyond just understanding the response rates for your survey questions. Segment responses to understand more about key donor cohorts. Finally, understand what donors are saying in their free-form responses.


Understand your income potential for your regular givers over the next 12-60 months.


Understand how your donors are tracking on a month-to-month basis. Monthly reporting that allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of your Fundraising program.

Gift in Will Analysis

Understand who your bequesters are and how to identify others. Get a real understanding of your current confirmed bequesters future value, and when it will likely be realised.

High-Value Analysis & Modelling

Understand who your high-value supporters are, where their giving thresholds start, and how to identify more of them.